Payments proof

Daily payment within 8 hours activated
We accept faucet
The site has 6 years of success on the Internet

Date Username Amount Method
1/30/25, 3:05 PM 113****** $1.1895 Payeer
1/30/25, 2:30 PM 065****** $12.4780 Binance-trc20
1/30/25, 2:04 PM Bad****** $10.0388 Algérie CCP 🇩🇿
1/30/25, 3:54 AM FAR****** $2.2026 Vodafone Cash 🇪🇬
1/30/25, 2:46 AM Moh****** $1.0070 PayPal
1/30/25, 2:18 AM Gee****** $10.2145 Binance-trc20
1/30/25, 2:03 AM dzt****** $1.0150 Payeer
1/30/25, 1:55 AM moh****** $42.3372 PayPal
1/30/25, 12:52 AM KOD****** $1.0055 Vodafone Cash 🇪🇬
1/30/25, 12:04 AM sas****** $2.4406 Vodafone Cash 🇪🇬
1/30/25, 12:01 AM 113****** $5.0830 Payeer
1/29/25, 9:27 PM Zak****** $13.4360 InstaPay 🇪🇬
1/29/25, 7:34 PM Moh****** $1.0560 PayPal
1/29/25, 7:12 PM Ham****** $1.0258 Payeer
1/29/25, 5:54 PM oma****** $8.4700 Payeer
1/29/25, 3:25 PM Ali****** $8.5440 Payeer
1/29/25, 11:42 AM PRO****** $7.1780 PayPal
1/29/25, 6:49 AM fan****** $3.8550 Payeer
1/29/25, 2:25 AM Win****** $5.1660 Payeer
1/29/25, 2:20 AM moh****** $6.0600 Vodafone Cash 🇪🇬