Publisher Rates

Payment Frequency : Daily 

Minimum Payout : 1$

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All countries are counted : No matter what country your visitor is from, you'll still get paid.

15% per referral : Earn more when your bring a friend to us, up to 15% of what they earn

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Level View/ip/24h Step Demo Description
Level 1 1 view 2 Step Click Auto all link into 2 Steps
Level 2 1 view 2 Step Click Auto all link into 2 Steps
Level 3 1 view 3 Step Click Auto all link into 3 Steps
Level 4 1 view 4 Step Click Auto all link into 4 Steps
Level 4 [No Popup] 1 view 4 Step Click Auto all link into 4 Steps
Level faucet 1 view 4 Step Click Auto all link into 4 Steps (Faucet )

Each Level will have a different rate

Level System is a great way to work in ease , we have custom level for every user to make site available for everyone needs

Click on level name to display its country prices


Package Description / Country Earnings per 1000 Views
Desktop Mobile / Tablet
Greenland $10.0000 $10.0000
Iceland $10.0000 $10.0000
Switzerland $10.0000 $10.0000
United Kingdom $8.0000 $8.0000
Ireland $7.0000 $7.0000
Australia $6.0000 $6.0000
Canada $6.0000 $6.0000
Luxembourg $6.0000 $6.0000
Netherlands $6.0000 $6.0000
New Zealand $6.0000 $6.0000
Norway $6.0000 $6.0000
Portugal $6.0000 $6.0000
Romania $6.0000 $6.0000
Sweden $6.0000 $6.0000
United States $6.0000 $6.0000
Denmark $5.0000 $5.0000
Finland $5.0000 $5.0000
Germany $5.0000 $5.0000
Kuwait $5.0000 $5.0000
Israel $4.5000 $4.5000
Belgium $4.0000 $4.0000
Chile $4.0000 $4.0000
Cyprus $4.0000 $4.0000
Qatar $4.0000 $4.0000
Thailand $4.0000 $4.0000
United Arab Emirates $4.0000 $4.0000
Bahrain $3.5000 $3.5000
Georgia $3.5000 $3.5000
Greece $3.5000 $3.5000
Italy $3.5000 $3.5000
Jordan $3.0000 $3.5000
Singapore $3.5000 $3.5000
Turkey $4.0000 $3.5000
Angola $3.0000 $3.0000
Brazil $3.0000 $3.0000
Colombia $3.0000 $3.0000
Egypt $3.5000 $3.0000
Iran (Islamic Republic of) $3.0000 $3.0000
Iraq $3.5000 $3.0000
Japan $3.0000 $3.0000
Lebanon $3.5000 $3.0000
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya $2.5000 $3.0000
Oman $3.5000 $3.0000
Saudi Arabia $3.5000 $3.0000
South Africa $3.0000 $3.0000
Syrian Arab Republic $3.5000 $3.0000
Tunisia $3.5000 $3.0000
Yemen $3.5000 $3.0000
Mexico $2.8000 $2.8000
Spain $2.8000 $2.8000
Argentina $2.5000 $2.5000
Ecuador $3.5000 $2.5000
Morocco $3.5000 $2.5000
Algeria $3.5000 $2.2000
France $2.0000 $2.0000
Hong Kong $2.0000 $2.0000
India $2.0000 $2.0000
Philippines $2.0000 $2.0000
Sudan $2.0000 $2.0000
Ukraine $2.5000 $2.0000
Vietnam $2.0000 $2.0000
Palestine $2.0000 $2.0000
Worldwide Deal(All Countries) $1.5000 $1.5000
China $1.5000 $1.5000
Russian Federation $0.5000 $0.5000
Package Description / Country Earnings per 1000 Views
Desktop Mobile / Tablet
Greenland $10.0000 $10.0000
Iceland $10.0000 $10.0000
Switzerland $10.0000 $10.0000
United Kingdom $8.0000 $8.0000
Ireland $7.0000 $7.0000
Australia $6.0000 $6.0000
Canada $6.0000 $6.0000
Luxembourg $6.0000 $6.0000
Netherlands $6.0000 $6.0000
New Zealand $6.0000 $6.0000
Norway $6.0000 $6.0000
Portugal $6.0000 $6.0000
Romania $6.0000 $6.0000
Sweden $6.0000 $6.0000
United States $6.0000 $6.0000
Denmark $5.0000 $5.0000
Finland $5.0000 $5.0000
Germany $5.0000 $5.0000
Kuwait $5.0000 $5.0000
Israel $4.5000 $4.5000
Argentina $4.0000 $4.0000
Belgium $4.0000 $4.0000
Chile $4.0000 $4.0000
Colombia $4.0000 $4.0000
Cyprus $4.0000 $4.0000
Qatar $4.0000 $4.0000
Spain $4.0000 $4.0000
Thailand $4.0000 $4.0000
United Arab Emirates $4.0000 $4.0000
Bahrain $3.5000 $3.5000
Ecuador $3.5000 $3.5000
Georgia $3.5000 $3.5000
Greece $3.5000 $3.5000
Iraq $3.5000 $3.5000
Italy $3.5000 $3.5000
Jordan $3.5000 $3.5000
Lebanon $3.5000 $3.5000
Oman $3.5000 $3.5000
Saudi Arabia $3.5000 $3.5000
Singapore $3.5000 $3.5000
Tunisia $3.5000 $3.5000
Yemen $3.5000 $3.5000
Angola $3.0000 $3.0000
Brazil $3.0000 $3.0000
Iran (Islamic Republic of) $3.0000 $3.0000
Japan $3.0000 $3.0000
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya $3.0000 $3.0000
Mexico $3.0000 $3.0000
South Africa $3.0000 $3.0000
Syrian Arab Republic $3.2000 $3.0000
Egypt $3.2000 $2.7000
Morocco $3.2000 $2.7000
Algeria $3.2000 $2.5000
France $2.5000 $2.5000
Turkey $3.4000 $2.5000
Ukraine $2.5000 $2.5000
Hong Kong $2.0000 $2.0000
India $2.0000 $2.0000
Philippines $2.0000 $2.0000
Sudan $2.0000 $2.0000
Vietnam $2.0000 $2.0000
Palestine $2.0000 $2.0000
Worldwide Deal(All Countries) $1.5000 $1.5000
China $1.5000 $1.5000
Venezuela $1.5000 $1.5000
Russian Federation $0.5000 $0.5000
Package Description / Country Earnings per 1000 Views
Desktop Mobile / Tablet
Greenland $15.0000 $15.0000
Iceland $15.0000 $15.0000
Switzerland $12.0000 $12.0000
Ireland $10.0000 $10.0000
United Kingdom $10.0000 $10.0000
United States $10.0000 $10.0000
Australia $8.0000 $8.0000
Canada $8.0000 $8.0000
Denmark $8.0000 $8.0000
Finland $8.0000 $8.0000
Germany $8.0000 $8.0000
Luxembourg $8.0000 $8.0000
Netherlands $8.0000 $8.0000
New Zealand $8.0000 $8.0000
Norway $8.0000 $8.0000
Portugal $8.0000 $8.0000
Romania $8.0000 $8.0000
Sweden $8.0000 $8.0000
Kuwait $6.5000 $6.5000
Argentina $6.0000 $6.0000
Italy $6.0000 $6.0000
Bahrain $5.0000 $5.0000
Belgium $5.0000 $5.0000
Chile $5.0000 $5.0000
Colombia $5.0000 $5.0000
Cyprus $5.0000 $5.0000
Ecuador $5.0000 $5.0000
France $5.0000 $5.0000
Georgia $5.0000 $5.0000
Israel $5.0000 $5.0000
Japan $5.0000 $5.0000
Oman $5.0000 $5.0000
Qatar $5.0000 $5.0000
Singapore $5.0000 $5.0000
Spain $5.0000 $5.0000
Thailand $5.0000 $5.0000
United Arab Emirates $5.0000 $5.0000
Yemen $5.0000 $5.0000
Iran (Islamic Republic of) $4.5000 $4.5000
Iraq $4.5000 $4.5000
Jordan $4.5000 $4.5000
Lebanon $4.5000 $4.5000
Saudi Arabia $4.5000 $4.5000
South Africa $4.5000 $4.5000
Syrian Arab Republic $4.5000 $4.5000
Tunisia $4.5000 $4.5000
Angola $4.0000 $4.0000
Brazil $4.0000 $4.0000
Mexico $4.0000 $4.0000
Ukraine $4.0000 $4.0000
Egypt $4.5000 $3.9000
Morocco $4.5000 $3.9000
Turkey $3.7000 $3.7000
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya $3.5000 $3.5000
Palestine $3.5000 $3.5000
Algeria $4.0000 $3.1000
Hong Kong $3.0000 $3.0000
India $3.0000 $3.0000
Sudan $3.0000 $3.0000
Vietnam $3.0000 $3.0000
China $2.5000 $2.5000
Philippines $2.5000 $2.5000
Venezuela $2.5000 $2.5000
Worldwide Deal(All Countries) $2.0000 $2.0000
Russian Federation $0.7500 $0.7500
Package Description / Country Earnings per 1000 Views
Desktop Mobile / Tablet
Greenland $20.0000 $20.0000
Iceland $20.0000 $20.0000
Switzerland $15.0000 $15.0000
Ireland $12.0000 $12.0000
United Kingdom $12.0000 $12.0000
United States $12.0000 $12.0000
Australia $10.0000 $10.0000
Canada $10.0000 $10.0000
Denmark $10.0000 $10.0000
Finland $10.0000 $10.0000
Germany $10.0000 $10.0000
Luxembourg $10.0000 $10.0000
Netherlands $10.0000 $10.0000
New Zealand $10.0000 $10.0000
Norway $10.0000 $10.0000
Paraguay $10.0000 $10.0000
Portugal $10.0000 $10.0000
Romania $10.0000 $10.0000
Sweden $10.0000 $10.0000
Kuwait $10.0000 $8.0000
Argentina $7.0000 $7.0000
Bahrain $7.0000 $7.0000
Belgium $7.0000 $7.0000
Chile $7.0000 $7.0000
Colombia $7.0000 $7.0000
Cyprus $7.0000 $7.0000
Ecuador $7.0000 $7.0000
France $7.0000 $7.0000
Greece $7.0000 $7.0000
Israel $7.0000 $7.0000
Italy $7.0000 $7.0000
Japan $7.0000 $7.0000
Oman $7.0000 $7.0000
Qatar $10.0000 $7.0000
Spain $7.0000 $7.0000
United Arab Emirates $10.0000 $7.0000
Thailand $6.5000 $6.5000
Egypt $7.5000 $6.0000
Singapore $6.0000 $6.0000
South Africa $6.0000 $6.0000
Saudi Arabia $8.0000 $5.5000
Tunisia $7.0000 $5.5000
Turkey $7.0000 $5.5000
Angola $5.0000 $5.0000
Brazil $5.0000 $5.0000
Hong Kong $5.0000 $5.0000
Iran (Islamic Republic of) $5.0000 $5.0000
Iraq $7.0000 $5.0000
Jordan $5.0000 $5.0000
Lebanon $7.0000 $5.0000
Ukraine $5.0000 $5.0000
Algeria $7.0000 $4.5000
India $4.5000 $4.5000
Morocco $7.0000 $4.5000
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya $4.0000 $4.0000
Mexico $4.0000 $4.0000
Sudan $4.0000 $4.0000
Syrian Arab Republic $6.0000 $4.0000
Vietnam $4.0000 $4.0000
Palestine $4.0000 $4.0000
Yemen $7.0000 $3.5000
China $3.0000 $3.0000
Pakistan $3.0000 $3.0000
Philippines $3.0000 $3.0000
Venezuela $3.0000 $3.0000
Worldwide Deal(All Countries) $2.0000 $2.0000
Russian Federation $0.5000 $0.5000
Package Description / Country Earnings per 1000 Views
Desktop Mobile / Tablet
Switzerland $12.0000 $12.0000
Greenland $10.0000 $10.0000
Iceland $10.0000 $10.0000
United Kingdom $10.0000 $10.0000
United States $10.0000 $10.0000
Ireland $9.0000 $9.0000
Luxembourg $8.0000 $8.0000
Portugal $8.0000 $8.0000
Romania $8.0000 $8.0000
Netherlands $7.0000 $7.0000
New Zealand $7.0000 $7.0000
Norway $7.0000 $7.0000
Paraguay $7.0000 $7.0000
Qatar $7.0000 $7.0000
Sweden $7.0000 $7.0000
United Arab Emirates $7.0000 $7.0000
Australia $5.0000 $5.0000
Canada $5.0000 $5.0000
Denmark $5.0000 $5.0000
Finland $5.0000 $5.0000
Germany $5.0000 $5.0000
Israel $5.0000 $5.0000
Oman $5.0000 $5.0000
Spain $5.0000 $5.0000
Thailand $5.0000 $5.0000
Chile $4.0000 $4.0000
Colombia $4.0000 $4.0000
Ecuador $4.0000 $4.0000
France $4.0000 $4.0000
Italy $4.0000 $4.0000
Japan $4.0000 $4.0000
Kuwait $4.0000 $4.0000
Lebanon $4.0000 $4.0000
South Africa $4.0000 $4.0000
Ukraine $4.0000 $4.0000
Yemen $4.0000 $4.0000
Bahrain $3.0000 $3.0000
Belgium $3.0000 $3.0000
Brazil $3.0000 $3.0000
Cyprus $3.0000 $3.0000
Greece $3.0000 $3.0000
Iraq $4.0000 $3.0000
Jordan $3.0000 $3.0000
Mexico $3.0000 $3.0000
Saudi Arabia $4.0000 $3.0000
Singapore $4.0000 $3.0000
Syrian Arab Republic $3.0000 $3.0000
Tunisia $3.0000 $3.0000
Turkey $3.0000 $3.0000
Vietnam $3.0000 $3.0000
Palestine $3.0000 $3.0000
Egypt $4.0000 $2.8000
Morocco $4.0000 $2.8000
Algeria $4.0000 $2.5000
India $2.5000 $2.5000
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya $2.5000 $2.5000
Angola $2.0000 $2.0000
Argentina $2.0000 $2.0000
China $2.0000 $2.0000
Hong Kong $2.0000 $2.0000
Iran (Islamic Republic of) $2.0000 $2.0000
Pakistan $2.0000 $2.0000
Philippines $2.0000 $2.0000
Sudan $2.0000 $2.0000
Venezuela $2.0000 $2.0000
Worldwide Deal(All Countries) $1.0000 $1.0000
Russian Federation $1.0000 $1.0000

These prices are prone to change without notice. Please check them regularly.

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